Thank you to the Xenia Area Chamber of Commerce for their support of our event. Check their Member Directory for more information.
Want to explore things to do in the local area? The Dayton Convention and Visitors Bureau can help you discover Dayton.
The Fairborn Chamber of Commerce has everything you want to know about the City of Fairborn.
The Dayton Blessing of the Bikes, established in 2000, is a non-profit charitable organization operated by a group of dedicated volunteers. The Blessing takes place on the third Sunday of May every year at Kil-Kare Raceway in Xenia, Ohio (the event was formerly held at the University of Dayton's Welcome Stadium). The average attendance is 7000-8000 motorcycles.
All net proceeds benefit GreeneBucs/AMBUCS. Greenebucs - Greene County Chapter of Ambucs - mission is to provide help and support for people/children with disabilities throughout our community.
Want to participate? Have questions? Contact Lawrence S. Taylor at or 937-626-6958.
Committee meetings are held at 6:30 pm @ Amvets Post 444
5/21 - 22nd annual Dayton Blessing of the Bikes event - 10 am @ Kil-Kare Raceway
I am happy to announce that, as of right now, the 2024 Dayton Blessing of the Bikes is a GO! We will keep the event as a “GO” unless directed otherwise, which can happen even at the last possible second. Status update changes will be posted here, as well as on our Facebook page, so check back often. I once again believe we will be able to make this year’s Blessing one of the biggest and best events that we've had yet. I encourage everyone to come and have a good time. Help us spread the word and tell all of our friends, family and co-workers to come and join in on the festivities.
Thank you and I hope to see everyone at the 2024 Dayton Blessing of the Bikes.
Lawrence S. Taylor
The annual Dayton Blessing of the Bikes event celebrated 20 years of blessings, camaraderie, and friendship among motorcycle enthusiasts and the community at large on May 16, 2021. Take a look back here. We look forward to seeing all of you at the next Blessing of the Bikes!
This annual event is dedicated to all Veterans and raises proceeds for Greenebucs - Greene County Chapter of Ambucs - whose mission is to provide help and support for people/children with disabilities throughout our community.
Contact Us
JOSH LEEDY, CHAIRMAN or 326-220-3798
Website questions:
Copyright Dayton Blessing of the Bikes. All rights reserved.